Extra Workout #1

Constitutionals not enough, or just wanting to break up boredom?  Try this one:

1. 25 One-handed Turkish Get-ups (using a dumbbell at least 10% body weight and without putting your free hand on the floor)

2. 15 Pullups (each from dead hang – no bent elbows)

3. 50 Squats (with dumbbells in hand, each at least 10% body weight)

4. 25 Full-Stop Pushups (at the bottom of the pushup lift both hands ¼" off the floor before beginning the next repetition)

Older Bulletins -- 1 Oct. 2011 and Older


| Title: First Elder’s Blog                       |

| Posted by First Elder | August 22 2011 12:24:25 |

|                                                 |

| Content:                                        |

| My blog can be be viewed at:                    |

|                                                 |

| Mitch’s Virtual Office - take a chair.          |




| Title: Manual Pulled from Amazon                                 |

| Posted by First Elder | December 08 2010 11:55:28                |

|                                                                  |

| Content:                                                         |

| In protest to the recent actions taken against Wikileaks, The    |

| Cabal Fang Manual will be pulled from Amazon and we will no      |

| longer be accepting payment via Paypal.                          |

|                                                                  |

| A new order page will be forthcoming.  In the meantime, to order |

| a copy of the Cabal Fang Manual, mail a check or money order in  |

| the amount of $8.00 (includes shipping via first class mail) to: |

|                                                                  |

| Cabal Fang                                                       |

| P.O. Box 1322                                                    |

| Glen Allen, VA 23060-1322                                        |

|                                                                  |




| Title: Orders forming in WV & NJ                                  |

| Posted by First Elder | September 20 2010 09:41:25                |

|                                                                   |

| Content:                                                          |

| We have an established member in Elkins, WV and a new member in   |

| Jersey City, NJ.  If you are in these cities and interested in    |

| training in Cabal Fang, join today and you will be connected with |

| them.                                                             |

|                                                                   |




| Title: In Memoriam: Jack Johnson                                  |

| Posted by First Elder | June 10 2010 14:15:12                     |

|                                                                   |

| Content:                                                          |

| Jack Johnson                                                      |

| 31 March 31 1878 – 10 June 1946                                   |

|                                                                   |

| Johnson was a clever and strategic boxer in an age of brawlers    |

| and an eloquent speaker despite only a few years of schooling.    |

| On July 4th 1910 he whipped “The Great White Hope,” former        |

| undefeated heavyweight champion Jim Jeffries, in what they called |

| “The Fight of the Century.”                                       |

|                                                                   |

| He was a celebrity athlete and a counterculture hero half a       |

| century before such things were commonplace.  A character, rogue, |

| and a rake who went his own way at every turn, Johnson died in a  |

| car accident in North Carolina.                                   |

|                                                                   |

| Dean, Camus, Skynyrd, Kinison, Mansfield, Holly, Cline, Redding,  |

| Vaughan – those lonesome, late night cars and planes take far    |

| too many of the cool ones, don’t they?                            |




| Title: Free Cabal Fang Comic Book                                |

| Posted by The First Elder | April 09 2010 12:58:24               |

|                                                                  |

| Content:                                                         |

| For a free copy of “Cabal Fang: Death in the Arena!” send a 6" x |

| 9" self-addressed, postage-paid envelope (88 cents U.S.) to:     |

|                                                                  |

| Cabal Fang                                                       |

| P.O. Box 1322                                                    |

| Glen Allen, VA 23060-1322                                        |

|                                                                  |




| Title: Cabal Fang Book now available on Amazon               |

| Posted by First Elder | March 24 2010 11:55:19               |

|                                                              |

| Content:                                                     |

| Cabal Fang Martial Arts: An Introduction is now available on |

| Amazon for those who would like a hard copy.                 |

|                                                              |




| Title: February Bulletin                                         |

| Posted by First Elder | February 10 2010 20:08:51                |

|                                                                  |

| Content:                                                         |

| Apologies for the length of time between posts…                |

|                                                                  |

| ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~                              |

|                                                                  |

| A revised edition of ‘Cabal Fang Martial Arts: An Introduction’  |

| is in the works.  The paperback will be available in late March. |

| Check this site for updates…                                   |

|                                                                  |

| ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~                              |

|                                                                  |

| There is now a group on Facebook called “Cabal Fang Martial      |

| Arts”…                                                         |

|                                                                  |

| ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~                              |

|                                                                  |

| Post office box obtained…mailing address for correspondence    |

| is:                                                              |

|                                                                  |

| Cabal Fang                                                       |

| P.O. Box 1322                                                    |

| Glen Allen, VA 23060-1322                                        |

|                                                                  |

| ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~                              |

|                                                                  |

| Plans for an updated website are being discussd…more to        |

| come…                                                          |

|                                                                  |

| ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~                              |




| Title: Cabal Fang Manual Update                                 |

| Posted by First Elder | October 09 2009 15:07:46                |

|                                                                 |

| Content:                                                        |

| The Cabal Fang Manual has been updated to correct typographical |

| errors and to improve its focus.  The link address has not      |

| changed.  It is still available here.                           |




| Title: Hackenschmidt Would Get It                                 |

| Posted by First Elder | September 10 2009 03:30:48                |

|                                                                   |

| Content:                                                          |

| In the annals of western martial arts there is a rare specimen    |

| known as Georg Hackenschmidt.  Few know him by name, but many     |

| know of his innovations – the “hack” squat, the bench press, and |

| bear hug, to name a few.                                          |

|                                                                   |

| Hackenschmidt was a wrestler and world-record-setting             |

| weightlifter.  “The Russian Lion” as we was called (despite the   |

| fact that he was from Estonia) purportedly won 3,000 consecutive  |

| matches between 1889 and 1908.  He spoke five languages, and      |

| after retiring from wrestling, he took up philosophy and wrote    |

| several books, among them “Consciousness and Character: True      |

| Definitions of Entity, Individuality, Personality, Nonentity” and |

| “The Three Memories and Forgetfulness: What They Are and What     |

| Their True Significance is in Human Life.”                        |

|                                                                   |

| In one of his essays, Hackenschmidt said,                         |

|                                                                   |

| “…May I through its medium [the book’s] ask those, and          |

| any others who are sympathetically concerned about human welfare  |

| and the probable outcome of the present trend of affairs, to get  |

| into direct personal touch with me. It is difficult for one human |

| being alone to do much, but even a small group of sincere seekers |

| for the means of true betterment might be able to form a nucleus  |

| out of which a new attitude may grow, and become a profound       |

| influence for wide-spread human improvement.” [1]                 |

|                                                                   |

| I believe that, if he were alive today, Hackenschmidt would       |

| understand what Cabal Fang martial arts is about.                 |

|                                                                   |

| [1] From the excellent article “Muscles, Memory: and George       |

| Hackenschmidt” by Terry Todd and Spencer Maxcy available online   |

| here                                                              |

|                                                                   |




| Title: Explorers of the Infinte                                   |

| Posted by First Elder | August 27 2009 10:47:17                   |

|                                                                   |

| Content:                                                          |

| “Explorers of the Infinite” by Maria Coffey is a great read, and  |

| its subject matter runs parallel to Cabal Fang concepts.          |

|                                                                   |

| Cabal Fang practice involves far less personal risk than the      |

| activities described in Coffey’s book, but still provides an      |

| avenue to the same types of experiences.                          |

|                                                                   |

| From the inside flap: “In the life-or-death world of extreme      |

| adventure sports, there is a 'forbidden’ territory about which    |

| athletes rarely speak: their paranormal experiences, ranging from |

| fleeting moments of transcendence to encounters with ghosts and   |

| everything in between – visions, near-death experiences, and     |

| psychic communication.  Award-winning outdoors author,            |

| journalist, and adventure guide Maria Coffey probes the mystical  |

| and paranormal experiences of adventure athletes.”                |




| Title: Full Context Martial Arts                                 |

| Posted by First Elder | July 25 2009 00:57:53                    |

|                                                                  |

| Content:                                                         |

| Cabal Fang video entitled FULL CONTEXT MARTIAL ARTS was uploaded |

| to youtube today.                                                |

|                                                                  |

|                                                                  |

|                                                                  |

|                                                                  |

|                                                                  |




| Title: Ancient Coin Reveals Origins of Cabal Fang                 |

| Posted by First Elder | July 09 2009 07:22:25                     |

|                                                                   |

| Content:                                                          |

| Although it looks ancient, this coin is not.  It does however     |

| reveal something of the origins of Cabal Fang.  Each member       |

| receives a hand-made coin of similar design – no two are exactly |

| alike – upon joining.                                            |

|                                                                   |

| This one could be yours.                                          |

|                                                                   |

| Cabal Fang has one foot firmly in techniques and ideas reaching   |

| back to ancient Greece and beyond, back into pre-history; the     |

| other foot is just as firmly in the methods and viewpoints of the |

| present.                                                          |

|                                                                   |

| Thus this new coin, with an hourglass in its center and made to   |

| look old, unites two times in the personal present of the owner.  |




| Title: The Order of Seven Hills                                   |

| Posted by The First Elder | June 23 2009 02:50:12                 |

|                                                                   |

| Content:                                                          |

| The very first Order of Cabal Fang began officially meeting in    |

| Richmond, VA in May of this year.  If you are looking for a local |

| Order in the Richmond area click here to browse to                |

| www.order7hills.com.                                              |




| Title: The Beginning                                              |

| Posted by The First Elder | June 17 2009 12:28:06                 |

|                                                                   |

| Content:                                                          |

| Thanks to the efforts of our dedicated and hard-working volunteer |

| webmaster, our website is now up and running.  He’s a remarkable  |

| person in every way.  Many, many thanks to him for making this    |

| website possible.  We hope that you appreciate the style of the   |

| site and the occult message inherent in its design.               |

|                                                                   |

| This is a great day.                                              |

|                                                                   |

| After years of work formulating the martial art of Cabal Fang –  |

| sweating, practicing, searching, contemplating, investigating,    |

| and much more – there is now a website to help present this new  |

| and innovative martial art to the world.                          |

|                                                                   |

| Although today is a milestone it is only The Beginning.           |

|                                                                   |

| In Service,                                                       |

|                                                                   |

| The First Elder                                                   |

|                                                                   |

| CABAL ABALA BALAB                                                 |

| ALABA LABAC FANG                                                  |

| ANGN  NGNA  GNAF                                                  |

|                                                                   |




| Title: We are live…                                      |

| Posted by the.querent | June 17 2009 06:36:43              |

|                                                            |

| Content:                                                   |

|                                                            |

| cabalfang.com is now live.                                 |

|                                                            |

| Please check back soon for a message from the First Elder. |
