Heritage Arts Camp-out
Wildwood Campout: Nature Appreciation, Martial Arts, Fitness, and Spiritual Training 10/13/23 - 10/15/23
Event Information
Last day to buy tickets
09/08/2023, Midnight, (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
About event
Join us at Westmoreland State Park in Montross, VA for an all-day seminar and campout from Friday 10/13/23 at 4 PM to Sunday 10/15/23 at noon. Come for the day, or camp out with us one or both nights. Pick and choose sessions of interest, or stay for all four!
Camping supplies and food are not supplied. You will need to bring your own food, beverages, tent, sleeping bag, and so forth. Space to pitch your tent is included with your ticket.
Event Schedule
Friday 4 PM to 10 PM. Set up your tent, hang out by the fire, have a bite to eat, make friends, roast a marshmallow, sing a campfire song -- you know the drill.
* 9 AM - 10 AM -- Old School Fitness. Join us for some fitness training done the old-fashioned way.
* 10 AM to 10:30 -- Break. Ask questions, hob-nob, etc.
* 10:30 to Noon -- Walking Stick Self-Defense. A must for all way-farers, wanderers, and gypsies -- an introduction to Western cane fighting the Heritage Arts way, drawing on the work of Vigny, Lang, and Monstery. Open to all experience from zero to advanced. No contact unless you want to -- experienced folks bring your padded weapons and headgear.
* Noon to 1:30 PM -- Break. Have a bite to eat, check out the CCC museum or the nature center, etc.
* 1:30 - 4:00 PM -- Wild Plant Walk and Group Hike. We'll meander around the park and identify what's edible and what's not, then go for a short hike on some of the park trails.
* 4 PM to 10 PM. Socialize, swap stories, eat, break out into groups and talk shop, work with Mitch to design a training or fitness program, whatever floats your boat!
* 9 AM to 10 AM -- Non-Denominational Holy Communion Service. Nothin' fancy -- read some scripture, sing a song, a 5-minute homily, and communion of bread and wine (for baptized persons).
* 10 AM to 11:59 AM -- Brunch, strike camp, litter detail, and pack up
* Noon sharp: Departure time -- don't know where you're going, but you can't stay here!
This is a G-rated, all-ages, family-friendly event. No alcohol, drugs, swearing, nudity, etc. Anyone under 18 must have a parent or guardian in attendance and be supervised at all times.
Waiver must be signed upon arrival. Heritage Arts, Inc. and Virginia State Parks not liable for injury or accidents.
Food, beverages, and camping gear not provided. You're on your own! Bring cash for firewood.
Ticket does not include parking fees. Some free parking on site is available, but it will go quickly. Plan on dropping your gear at the site, paying to park, and hiking back to your site.
Here is the Westmoreland State Park website. For park rules, click here.
Email mitch@heritageartsinc.com with questions!
About the Instructor
Robert Mitchell is a writer, martial arts expert, and priest in the Old Catholic tradition from Richmond, VA. A martial artist for over thirty years, he is the founder of Heritage Arts Inc., a 501(c)(3) federally-recognized non-profit educational charity providing free instruction in martial arts, fitness, outdoor skills, and spiritual development. He is the author of The Wildwood Workbook: Nature Appreciation and Survival,
Martial Grit: Real Fighting Fitness on a Budget and The Calisthenics Codex.

5-Week Beginner Course
This free, 5-week beginner course meets outdoors Tues and Thurs. 6 PM to 7 PM on the grounds of West End Manor Civic Assn. Open to adults and teens only (with parent/guardian in attendance)
This free five week beginner course will teach you the basics of striking, grappling, wrestling, weapons, prevention and avoidance, and martial fitness. Open to adults and teens (with parent or guardian in attendance). * Outdoors, rain or shine (there is a picnic shelter in which to train if there is precipitation). * Dress for rough 'n' tumble outdoor activities * Bring water * Equipment provided
Heritage Arts, Inc. is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) educational charity providing four unique programs — all donation-based and 100% free to those who cannot afford them. Choose your path — Self-Defense, Nature Appreciation & Survival, Fitness, or spiritual development — or pursue all four! Heritage Self-Defense is a pragmatic, western martial art incorporating boxing, wrestling, and the Rough ‘n’ Tumble fighting methods of the American frontier, including walking stick and knife.
Group Hike: The Priest
Hike info: https://www.hikingupward.com/GWNF/ThePriest/
Heritage Arts Group Hike! We will be meeting at the A.T. parking area on Virginia Route 56 at 9 am — you will need to leave Richmond by 7 am. There are only 20 parking spaces there, so carpooling and early arrival are necessary! We will hike to the top on Saturday, explore, hang out, spend the night, and hike down on Sunday morning.
Registration not required, but suggested if you want updates.

It's not runner vs. runner. It's everybody vs. the unexpected.

Walking Stick Self-Defense Seminar (Vigny-Lang Method)
This is a donation-only event -- make a contribution of $5, $10, $20, or whatever you can afford. We're a non-profit group and every little bit helps!
When swords were outlawed on the streets of Europe in the 19th Century, a new method of self-defense emerged. It's called la Canne Vigny.
French Master-at-arms Pierre Vigny (b.1866) was an Army veteran, a combatives instructor, and chief instructor at the now famous Bartitsu Club operated by Edward William Barton-Wright. Vigny specialized in French savate and the sportive style of stick fighting known as la canne which he modified for more effective self defense.
The Vigny-Lang method is the most highly tested and effective cane defense system ever devised.
H.G. Lang was a Superintendent of the Indian Police, and he drew heavily on Vigny's method when training Indian officers in cane defense. In 1923 Lang published his book Walking Stick Method of Self Defence which became the basis for self-defense training for tens of thousands of Jews living in Palestine during the 1940s.
This is an outdoor event so dress appropriately for the weather!
Martial Fitness Seminar
Whether you're a rank beginner or an experienced black belt, you'll find out what it takes to get fit to fight -- and hit the ground running in this laser-focused, high-energy self-defense seminar! Here's what we'll cover:
- Basic Prevention
- The 3 things you must always do in a self-defense situation
- 10 moves you can apply against armed or unarmed attackers
- A 20 minute unarmed fitness routine guaranteed to challenge
- After a short intermission you'll choose your weapon -- stick or knife -- and learn to hit hard and retain it during conflict
- Then you'll face the Cabal Fang weapon gauntlet -- a weapons-related fitness routine like nothing you've ever seen!
- After a cool-own, stretch out from head to toe and and spend a few minutes in peaceful meditation.
- Stay and shop. Items will be for sale to benefit our club so bring cash!
What to bring:
This is an outdoor event, so bring a sweatband or bandanna and dress appropriately! Long pants or knee pads advised. Bring work gloves for handling logs and tires if desired. MMA gloves and training weapons will be provided to beginners. Experienced martial artists, please bring 4 oz. finger-less MMA gloves and a dull/blunt rubber or wooden training weapon.

The Perennial Wisdom: The Sacred Truths of the Ages
Pastor and First Elder of Cabal Fang Robert Mitchell will be giving a 1 hour talk in the conference room at Tuckahoe Area Library on Wednesday June 13th from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM, followed by a half-hour Q&A session.
Perennial Wisdom, or the the Perennial Philosophy, is the idea that there are certain central, universal truths that are shared by almost all religions.
Come and explore these ideas with us as we trace these universal ideas from Ancient Egypt and Greece, through Judaism and into Christianity; from Buddhism, into Taoism, and from there to Zen.
This lecture is free and open to the public.
Tuckahoe Library is located at 1901 Starling Dr, Henrico, VA 23229. Click here for a map.

Rugged Maniac
Cabal Fang Temple is fielding a team in the May 5th 2018 Rugged Maniac obstacle course run! See the links below If you'd like to sponsor us or run along! Free Cabal Fang t-shirt to all who run with us!
Click here sponsor us on Crowdrise
(all donations are tax deductible!)

Winter Solstice Gabriel Meditation
This is a free, outdoor event -- dress appropriately for the weather!
The Winter Solstice, which marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year, is a deeply spiritual point during an already magical season.
Archangel Gabriel presides over the winter season, which begins on the Solstice. Gabriel is the messenger of the Lord, communicating Divine Vision, Divine Grace and Divine Guidance to humanity. Now is the time of year when Gabriel whispers in the ears of all those who celebrate the onset of the winter season by retreating from worldly affairs and immersing themselves in spiritual practices.
Join us for this very special winter solstice meditation event as we sit together and enjoy quiet mediation, experience the magic of the solstice, and afterward share tea or coffee and light refreshments.

Walking Stick Self-Defense Seminar (Vigny-Lang Method)
This is a donation-only event -- make a contribution of $5, $10, $20, or whatever you can afford. We're a non-profit group and every little bit helps!
When swords were outlawed on the streets of Europe in the 19th Century, a new method of self-defense emerged. It's called la Canne Vigny.
French Master-at-arms Pierre Vigny (b.1866) was an Army veteran, a combatives instructor, and chief instructor at the now famous Bartitsu Club operated by Edward William Barton-Wright. Vigny specialized in French savate and the sportive style of stick fighting known as la canne which he modified for more effective self defense.
The Vigny-Lang method is the most highly tested and effective cane defense system ever devised.
H.G. Lang was a Superintendent of the Indian Police, and he drew heavily on Vigny's method when training Indian officers in cane defense. In 1923 Lang published his book Walking Stick Method of Self Defence which became the basis for self-defense training for tens of thousands of Jews living in Palestine during the 1940s.
This is an outdoor event so dress appropriately for the weather!
Martial Fitness Seminar (FREE)
Whether you're a rank beginner or an experienced black belt, you'll find out what it takes to get fit to fight -- and hit the ground running in this laser-focused, high-energy self-defense seminar! Here's what we'll cover:
- Basic Prevention
- The 3 things you must always do in a self-defense situation
- 10 moves you can apply against armed or unarmed attackers
- A 20 minute unarmed fitness routine guaranteed to challenge
- After a short intermission you'll choose your weapon -- stick or knife -- and learn to hit hard and retain it during conflict
- Then you'll face the Cabal Fang weapon gauntlet -- a weapons-related fitness routine like nothing you've ever seen!
- After a cool-own, stretch out from head to toe and and spend a few minutes in peaceful meditation.
- Stay and shop. Items will be for sale to benefit our club so bring cash!
What to bring:
This is an outdoor event, so bring a sweatband or bandanna and dress appropriately! Long pants or knee pads advised. Bring work gloves for handling logs and tires if desired. MMA gloves and training weapons will be provided to beginners. Experienced martial artists, please bring 4 oz. finger-less MMA gloves and a dull/blunt rubber or wooden training weapon.

Sunday Solace
We'll take a short walk to warm up, complete a full head-to-toe stretching routine, and then enjoy a meditation session..
This event will be held outdoors in the picnic shelter at West End Manor Civic Association. Bring a yoga mat or a small rug to sit and stretch on, and anything else you require for outdoor activities such as water, bug spray, etc. and dress appropriate to the weather.
Participation is FREE but donations to the temple are accepted.