


Creepy/cute skeletons from 1605.

Lost on the page

Lovely skeletons that seem lost on the page: where is the exit again? One of many enjoyable (though seriously-meant) images from an anatomical handbook printed in Frankfurt in 1605. The 131 illustrations in the book were ripped from publications of well-known contemporary scholars.

More information here and here.

aw look at these guys

More detailed, but similar to the ones I sketched for the Cabal Fang Manual. Diggin’ it.

Technoccult: 10 Hand to Hand Combat Myths That Writers Need To Stop Using


Andrew Jack lists his top 10 fighting myths:

  • You Can Kill Someone by Shoving Their Nose Back Into Their Brain
  • Getting Knocked Out Is No Big Deal
  • Pressure Points Work In Real Fights
  • A Kick To The Groin is Game Over
  • A Kick To The Groin Is Just Painful
  • Grappling Beats Everything
  • Grappling Is…