Levy Drag Damn Bill Commissioner
My droid gets it wrong and we’re blown off course all the way to #Oz. It’s a #WOD that’ll make you say “Oh my!” …https://t.co/cdrjm2JmM6
Blood on the Wallpaper
#Hereditary #skills and your #CabalFang #WOD
Dumbbell/Heavy Bag Combo
Switch things up with this Cabal Fang WOD
The Hand of Benediction – which one is it, and how is it held?
Spiritual Evolution Starts Now
You don’t walk around because you have legs. You have legs because you want to walk around.
Mallet, Chain and Medicine Ball Fitness
For Mettlecraft month we sandwiched our martial arts between a full pyramid of calisthenics at the beginning of each session and an extra bit of something at the end. Here is yesterday’s closer, employing a big ol’ mallet, a 20 lb chain, and a 12 lb medicine ball.
The Hermetic Mysteries of Christmas - Part 2
My last post was so popular that I decided to expand and elaborate.
Distance Learning Holiday Special
Offer good until January 1st 2016
The Hermetic Mysteries of Christmas
Christmas always was and always will be.
The Hermetic Formula
What is #Hermeticism and why should we care? The #Hermetic #formula and your #CabalFang #WOD… https://t.co/DEYds2ew0F