In the Cabal Fang Workout of the Week #27 we cook up a secret sauce made up of ketchup, mustard and vinegar.   Vinegar, as in “energy” or the old phrase “piss and vinegar.”  That’s the calisthenics. Mustard as in “cutting the mustard,” getting it done, going at it with sincerity. That’s the martial arts component. And the ketchup? Well, that’s blood – that’s the visceral, internal, spiritual part..

The exercising of weapons putteth away aches, griefs, and diseases, it increaseth strength and sharpeneth the wits, it giveth a perfect judgment, it expelleth melancholy, choleric, and evil conceits, it keepeth a man in breath, in perfect healthe, and long life.
— – George Silver (1599)

If I don’t say so myself!