Flashback: Training Involution #128

Flashback: Training Involution #128

Open your training journal to exactly one year ago.  If you didn't train that day, turn back to the next one.  Do that.  Only better.  If you ran 2 miles in 20 minutes, run 2 miles in less than 20 minutes.  If you boxed 3 rounds, box 4.  Find a metric and do better.

If you haven't been keeping a journal for a year, do the First Elder’s training session for 10/27/17 as follows:

  • Warm up for a full 8 minutes.

  • Squats, Bench Press, and Weighted Back Bridges.  Complete a 2 x 10 with 50% of your 1 RM, and then 3 x 5 with your working weight.  If you're not experienced at lifting weights, or if lifting's not your thing, substitute body-weight Squats, Push-ups, and unweighted Back Bridges.  Do two warm-up sets, each about half as many your single-set max, and a final set to failure.  One minute rest between each set.  Rest a couple of minutes.  Then...

  • Run 2 miles as fast as you can.  When you're done, walk that off for at least three minutes to cool down. Then...

  • Complete the Cabal Fang temple rites.  No time for that?  Assume your posture of choice, regulate your breathing, and practice contemplation or meditation for at least 10 minutes.