Flashback: Training Involution #128
Open your training journal to exactly one year ago. If you didn't train that day, turn back to the next one. Do that. Only better. If you ran 2 miles in 20 minutes, run 2 miles in less than 20 minutes. If you boxed 3 rounds, box 4. Find a metric and do better.
If you haven't been keeping a journal for a year, do the First Elder’s training session for 10/27/17 as follows:
Warm up for a full 8 minutes.
Squats, Bench Press, and Weighted Back Bridges. Complete a 2 x 10 with 50% of your 1 RM, and then 3 x 5 with your working weight. If you're not experienced at lifting weights, or if lifting's not your thing, substitute body-weight Squats, Push-ups, and unweighted Back Bridges. Do two warm-up sets, each about half as many your single-set max, and a final set to failure. One minute rest between each set. Rest a couple of minutes. Then...
Run 2 miles as fast as you can. When you're done, walk that off for at least three minutes to cool down. Then...
Complete the Cabal Fang temple rites. No time for that? Assume your posture of choice, regulate your breathing, and practice contemplation or meditation for at least 10 minutes.