Stand Tall: Training Involution #130

The Magician — he is standing tall and acting out the Hermetic axiom, “As above, so below.”

This month our martial focus is Mettlecraft and our internal, symbolic focus is the Staff.

Mettlecraft month means we’re all digging deeper.  Those of us who haven’t licked Self-Destruct Sequence in under 40 mins quite yet are working our way up to it.  For the Staff, we’re finishing every club meeting with the Caduceus Ritual (see Chapter 19 of Cabal Fang: Complete Martial Arts Study Course).

The Caduceus Ritual aligns your spine — physically, intellectually and spiritually.

  • Physically, you stand straight, breath deeply, and vocalize certain tones.   This slows heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and so on.

  • Intellectually and mythologically you see yourself as a conduit through and between the energies above (sky) and below (earth).

  • Spiritually you allow yourself to fully experience the ritual absorb its significance.

Let’s go put all of this together.


  • Did you finish Self-Destruct Sequence in under 40 minutes last week?  For instructions click here.   If so, do half of the reps as a recovery this week, and think about beating your record next week.

  • Did you get through at least half of the reps?  If so, do 2/3 of the reps this week.

  • Did you get less than half of the reps?  No problem, just try to do more reps this week than last.

  • Did you fail to even try?  There are no excuses in Cabal Fang.  Work around handicaps and limitations.  Modify or substitute exercises as needed.  If you’re wheelchair-bound, equate 12 exercises as closely as you can to the 12 in Self-Destruct Sequence and go.

  • Embody the Caduceus Ritual for the rest of the coming week.  Practice standing tall.  Hold your spine upright, keep your shoulders back, and look people in the eye when you talk to them.  Log your performance in your training journal.

Don’t talk about what you can’t do. Only talk about what you can do.