Aletheia: Training Involution #131

Aletheia is the Greek goddess of truth, and she holds a mirror.  Why do you suppose that is? When you perform the Caduceus Ritual, and usher the light from above into the below, what are you enacting?


  • Are you still working on completing Self-Destruct Sequence in under 40 minutes?   If  so, take a shot at the whole thing if you’re ready.  But if you’re still ramping up, that’s fine — just do a few more reps of each exercise this week.  For instructions click here.  Did you even try?  There are no excuses in Cabal Fang.  Work around handicaps and limitations.  Modify or substitute exercises as needed.  If you’re wheelchair-bound, equate 12 exercises as closely as you can to the 12 in Self-Destruct Sequence and go bite off a piece.

  • If you’ve finished Self-Destruct Sequence in under 40 minutes, go hit another fitness goal from the Cord and Rule Program.  See if you can complete 100 Bodybuilders, 100 Get-ups, or complete a 3-mile tire run in under 40 minutes. 

  • Your spiritual assignment is to speak the truth for the upcoming week.  Make yourself a conduit between the above and below — usher truth into the world with nobility, empathy, strength and grace.   Avoid white lies, but absolutely do not utter any black truths — use no facts to cause deliberate pain.  This month’s focus is the Staff, so stand tall and do your Caduceus Ritual at least twice a week.  Don’t know the Caduceus Ritual?  It’s in the book.