Grab Bag: Training Involution #96

  • Grab your training dummy, set timer for 15 mins and execute your favorite throw as many times as you can before the timer beeps.  Don't have a training dummy?  Stuff a duffel bag with tightly folded linens.  
  • Grab your heavy bag and complete Wrestling Conditioner #1.
  • Meditate on the Shield of Achilles.  Assume your meditative posture of choice and place the image below at eye height -- either print it out or stand up your phone or tablet (making sure to adjust the sleep settings).  Regulate your breathing and fall into the image with your visual imagination.  Do not think in words -- just experience the picture.  Some people think that Homer's description is of an ancient Greek mandala.  When you're done, think about why Homer describes the other character's shields as being emblazoned with the heads of Gorgon and other monsters, images of panic and terror, and yet gives Greece's most devastating warrior a beautiful one depicting the whole range of human life and experience within nature and culture.


This amazing interpretation of Achilles' shield was done by a high school student based on Homer's description from the Iliad -- click image to read the whole article!