45 RPMs: Training Involution #98

45 RPM: Training Involution #98

  • "RPM" stands for "Reps per Movement."  Do you remember 45 RPM records?  Then you get the pun.  As long as you get your 45 reps, doesn't matter how many sets.  Consider doing the weightlifting and calisthenics sets in half-pyramid format.  In other words, 1 Hang Clean & Press, 1 Squat, 1 Chin-up, then 2 of each, then three, then four, etc. up to 9 of each for a total of 45 reps.
  • 45 reps of each weightlifting exercise: Dumbbell Hang Clean & Press, Back Squats, Chin-ups (weighted if desired).  If you don't have the required equipment, use a sandbag (throw sand, chains or gravel in an old duffle or backpack) and do Sandbag Hang Clean and Press, Sandbag Squats, and Sandbag Curls.  Warm up fully before you begin!
  • 45 reps of each calisthenic: Squats, Diamond Push-ups, Jackknifes, Get-ups, Side Lunges, Wall Touches.
  • 45 Drop Duck-Unders.  If you don't have a partner do them solo (if you have a hanging heavy bag, square off against that).  Video here.
  • 45 Striking Combos for power.  Go after your heavy bag with maximum malice, delivering 45 striking combos -- punches, kicks, elbows, knees, you-name-it (3 strikes per combo minimum).
  • 45 minutes of contemplation.  I'm an advocate of 10 mins of contemplation per day, but the occasional long session of 20 minutes or more can really open doors.  Set a timer, assume your posture of choice, regulate your breathing and allow your thoughts to dissipate like ripples in a pond.  Don't feel badly if you can't make the whole 45, just do the best you can.  If your legs cramp up and you have to stop after 30 minutes, pick up the other 15 minutes later that day.