Run for Your Life: Training Involution #101

Run for Your Life: Training Involution #101

  • Are you paying attention to detail? (1) What was your spouse or significant wearing last time you saw him or her? (2) What is the color, make, model, year and license plate number of his or her vehicle? (3) Get up right now and check: are all your doors and windows locked? Imagine how guilty you'd feel if your spouse or significant other turned up missing and you couldn't help the police with the most basic information. Imagine how you'd feel if someone invaded your home and you didn't have it buttoned up. If you didn't get at least two out of three right, complete 100 Squats and then review your preparedness and prevention drills on pages 224 - 226 of the Cabal Fang Study Guide.
  • Do you know your numbers? If you are going to use Tarot as a psychological and spiritual tool you need to know your number symbolism. What are astrological associations for the numbers 1 through 10? If you can't name at least of 5 of them, do 50 Push-ups and then go study the chart on page 168 of the Cabal Fang Study Guide.
  • Conditioning Run. CR15P Tabata-styled. Run AFAYC for 20 seconds, walk 10 seconds, repeat for 30 rounds. That's 15 mins total.