Bagged: Training Involution #110


June’s martial focus is Wrestling and the internal focus is the Hourglass.  Are you ready? Because this week’s involution is going to push you past your perceived limits — inside and out!


  • Heavy Bag Wrestling Half Pyramid (video below).  Put a heavy bag on your mat (or on a tarp out on the grass if you have no mat).  Get underneath your bag and and complete 1 of each: Shrimp, Buck, Reverse, Circle, and pop up into Shin Ride.  Then do 2 of each, 3 of each, 4, etc. up to 10 of each — that’s a total of 55 each.  Take as few 12-count breaks as you need to finish as fast as you can.  Finishing this with proper form is admirable.  In under 20 mins is solid, under 15 is good, and anybody who gets it done in under 10 mins is a beast.
  • 20-minute object run.  Run for 20 minutes while carrying an object in one hand, such as a water bottle, walking stick, dumbbell, etc. You may switch hands as often as you like, but keep a steady pace and do not break stride if at all possible -- but if you do, walk for no more than a 12-count before you resume running.
  • Draw and explore the hourglass.  Sit down with your training journal and a pen.  Draw an hourglass — nothing fancy, just a quick sketch.  Then, as you sit and look at your drawing, list the first ten words that come to mind.  When you’re done, have an honest conversation with yourself regarding the drawing and the words you wrote.  Psychoanalyze yourself.  What did you learn about yourself from this exercise?  What did you learn about the hourglass symbol?  Record everything in your training journal of course.