Year Ten: Martial Arts Training Involution #179

I can't believe that today we're celebrating the 10th anniversary of Cabal Fang martial arts.

It seems like just yesterday that I started this crazy project.  What's amazing is that thousands of people have read the Cabal Fang books, watched our videos, and visited this blog to find out about what we're up to.

What's even more amazing to me is that so many people have invested their physical, material effort, their sweat and attention, by training with us.  All of these folks are now my friends, and all of them -- everyone who has ever attended a Cabal Fang training session here in Richmond, VA -- has been invited to a celebration and homecoming event at my house this afternoon.

So I kind of need to wrap up this week's T.I. and start getting ready for guests!

Anyway, in honor of our anniversary, this week's. T.I. is a flashback to our very first official constitutional.  If you're new to my blog and/or to Cabal Fang, a constitutional is a calisthenics training routine made up of seven different calisthenics exercises done back-to-back as quickly as possible and while taking as few breaks as possible.  A new constitutional is created each month, and everyone in the club is expected to get through it twice a week.  To see a complete list of all our monthly constitutionals back to 2009, click here.

At Cabal Fang we believe that calisthenics are an essential component of functional fitness.  So, without further preamble I present our first official monthly constitutional.

Year Ten: Martial Arts Training Involution #179

* Warm-up.  Set a timer for 8 mins and warm up thoroughly until the timer beeps.
* Martial mobility.  Perform 4-rep sets of Shots, Leg Triangles, Inside leg kick with décollage, and Sit-Out Push-ups for another 8 mins.
* Constitutional.

Lunges (100)
Log Presses (50) (Sub a sandbag or heavy bag if you don't have a log)
Ab Punches (1.5 mins) (If you don’t have a partner do 100 Sit-ups)
Neck Crunches (100)
Bodybuilders (25)
Jack-knifes (25)
Wall Touches (100)