100 Bodybuilders: Training Involution #185

November is Mettlecraft Month at Cabal Fang and the time has come to face the 100 Bodybuilder Challenge!  Go get it done.  Post links to photos, blogs and videos in the comments below.

We took a shot at it on 11/26 and we're going to do it one more time on Tuesday 12/3.  So far the record is held by Mark Hatmaker at 10:43.  Where are you going to come in?

Need some last minute prep work to get ready for next Tuesday night?  Video below!

100 Bodybuilders: Training Involution #185

  • Warm-up thoroughly. Jog, jump rope, lightly shadowbox, etc. for a total of at least 8 minutes.

  • Complete 100 Bodybuilders. My method is to set a 1 minute interval timer and complete about 7 reps "OTM" which stands for "on the minute." That gives me about 20 seconds of rest between each set of 7. My son Robert prefers to do them "Cabal Fang Trial Style" -- he does as many reps as he can until he gasses, takes a 12-count break, and repeats until he gets his 100. See technique video below.

  • 10 minutes of meditation or contemplation. After you cool down -- for about 3 minutes or until your heart rate is below 100 bpm -- have a seat and do 10 minutes of internal work.