Baggage: Cabal Fang Martial Arts Training Involution #144

Fill a large gym bag with whatever you can find.  Use folded sheets and misc. athletic equipment for weight.  Then add in some of the detritus of your pathetic existence -- junk food  wrappers, tasteless magazines, empty beer cans, old video games, and bits of shameful clutter from your attic or garage.  And finally,  throw in a handful of promises you've broken or things you've said to friends and loved ones in anger. Take this part seriously.

  • Complete 100 Bag Lifts as fast as you can.  Beginners do them Cabal Fang-style, advanced, Kansas-style.

  • Complete 50 sieo nage as fast as you can.

  • Pick up the bag and cover 1-mile run as fast as you can.  Run, jog, walk, doesn't matter as long as you finish.

  • Make sure you warm up thoroughly before you begin and keep your heart rate within safe limits.  This one's a real humdinger.  If it doesn't trigger your vomit response, either your bag is too light or you aren't trying hard enough.

  • Cool down, then wrap up with the Cross of Light ritual and 10 minutes of contemplation.  The Cross of Light ritual is so packed with meaning that describing it fills a whole chapter in the Cabal Fang Study Guide.  Re-read as needed.

  • Record your time and what you learned in your training journal, then  share the less personal bits with the Cabal Fang Facebook group.

See video below if you need more detail.