Boy's Twelve: Cabal Fang Martial Arts Training Involution #146

Apparently boys were pretty fit back in '45.

Check out this little fitness drill called the "Army's Daily Dozen" from the Boy's Fun Book of Things to Make an Do (Grosset & Dunlap, New York 1945) pages 142-143.  It's not as hard as Self-Destruct Sequence or anything, but it's no walk in the park either!

No rep counts or time guidelines are provided except for two exercises -- Burpees (40 minimum!) and the Banks Twists (30 minimum!).  For our purposes I have guesstimated what seem like reasonable numbers.

Now go see if you're as fit as little boys used to be back in the day.

Boy's Twelve: Cabal Fang Martial Arts Training Involution #146

If you get this done in under 25:56 you got me beat.

  1. 40 Burpees (no hop, no Push-up)

  2. 25 High Jumpers (a.k.a Standing Broad Jump)

  3. 25 Squat Benders (Squat, then touch toes)

  4. 25 Rowing Exercise (a.k.a. Jackknifes)

  5. 25 Sit-ups with Plough (dead stop after each Plough)

  6. 25 Push-ups (narrow)

  7. 30 Banks Twists (a.k.a. Windshield Wipers, over-back = 1)

  8. 25 Side Benders (look at the drawing and good luck!)

  9. 25 8-Count Push-ups (Burpee with 2 Push-ups and no hop)

  10. 25 Squat Jumps (Split Jump Squats w/ hands on head)

  11. Stationary Run (100 taps of each foot)

  12. 25 Trunk Twisters (Windmills, elbow to knee, 25/side)