Selfless: Mettle Maker #239

Selfless: Mettle Maker #239

  • Warm-up thoroughly for at at least 8 minutes. Do 2-3 minutes each of (a) jumping rope (b) light calisthenics and (c) shadowboxing, forms, or light heavy bag work, or 8 minutes of MBF.

  • 5 rounds on the heavy bag. Around here (per the S.A.F.E. M.P. protocol) we never just wail on a bag. Set timer for 5 x 3:00/1:00. First four rounds for speed, aiming for constant contact. Rounds 1 and 2: Outside range hands -- Jab, Cross, Bolo punch, etc. Round 3: Inside range -- Elbows, Knees, Steam Donkeys, Crams, etc. Round 4: Outside kicks -- Roundhouse, Side, Piston, etc. Round 5: All-in for power -- work all ranges and aim for maximum punishment.

  • 10 minutes of "life in the balance" fitness. Set timer for 10:00 and cycle through the following: 1 Rope Ascent, 1 Crow Sit (until you tip over), 1 Wall Walk, 1 HSPU. Modify/Adapt/Overcome. If you can't climb a rope, hang it next to a wall or tree and use your feet, or just hold on until you gas. No rope? Use a pole or Pull-up bar. If you can't do a Crow Sit, put your forehead on a yoga block. If you can't do a Wall Walk, do an Incline Plank. If you can't do HSPUs, do a Pike Push-up. No excuses. Get there.

  • Do you know what the picture at the bottom of the page is? If not, you're missing a valuable survival skill. Turn to page 31 in The Wildwood Workbook or ask me in the comments and I'll tell you what it is.

  • Empty your cup to fill your cup. This month's symbol is the Chalice, which is often associated with the Holy Grail. In Arthurian legend, Sir Galahad is warned that he may lose himself by taking up the quest. He replies, “If I lose myself I save myself!” The chalice symbol embodies the universal medicine of self-sacrifice and the relinquishing of ego. The more we exalt ourselves the farther the grail cup recedes; the more we humble ourselves the faster it returns to us. If we lose ourselves like Galahad then perhaps there is hope that we can save ourselves. This is why we must relinquish our own wants and needs before we can accept the communion wine ("Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven"). This operation is depicted on the XVIIth key, The Star. Meditate on this pouring out and pouring in. Last week I suggested that you can't say "Yes" with all your heart without first learning how to to say "No." This week I'm telling you that you have to be empty before you can be full.

  • If it ain't in the training journal it didn't happen. Do the work, the external and internal, and write about what you did and thought in your journal. Introspection, self-examination and measurement are the key to progress.