TCB: Martial Arts Training Involution #197

TCB means "Takin' Care of Business," which is also the title of a great song by Bachman Turner Overdrive about how working hard at what you love isn't work at all, whereas punching a clock doing something you hate is a "slaving job to get your pay."

If you love your art you will do whatever it takes to make it. Sometimes we do not want to do certain things.  For example, this month’s constitutional is really hard. But it makes our art "prettier" — if that makes sense. Sure hope it does.  Because if you don't find a way to love and appreciate the things you need to do in support of your martial arts, you're training is going to be either laborious or lopsided.

TCB: Martial Arts Training Involution #197

  • Warm-up thoroughly for at at least 8 minutes. I generally do 8 minutes of MBF or either 2-3 minutes each of (a) something aerobic, like jogging of jumping rope (b) some light calisthenics like Half Squats, Push-ups on knees, Touching toes, Arm Swings etc. and (c) shadowboxing or light heavy bag work.

  • 3 x 8 Grappling drill.  Complete 3 sets of 8 reps each of Throws (I picked Seoi Nage), Clinch Maneuvers (I did Cross-arm Clinch Rear Lunges), and Bear Walks (15').  Use a grappling dummy, floor bag, or weighted duffel bag for the Throws and Clinches.  Your final count should be 24 Throws, 24 Clinches, and 24 Bear Walks (300' or 100 yards), all in about 10 minutes.

  • 11 minutes on the heavy bag -- all-in for power.  Break it up into round lengths appropriate to your fitness level.  Beginners: 4 x 2:00/1:00, intermediates: 3 x 3:00/1:00, advanced: 2 x 5:00/1:00.  Go at your bag with the intent to do as much damage as you possibly can.  Punch it.  Kick it.  Body lock it and squeeze as hard as you can.  Don't hang on it -- but do practice clinching, stepping into cross-buttocks position, etc.

  • 10+ minutes of sacred reading.  Pick a book that's good for your spiritual development and spend some time reading.  Doesn't have to be overtly religious, like the Holy Bible or the Tao Te Ching -- it can be something that promotes mindfulness, wisdom, or philosophy.  Read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Occidental Mythology, Modern Man in Search of a Soul or whatever you like.  Meditation, contemplation, prayer and spiritual reading are the four cornerstones of the spiritual life and none should be neglected.