New constitutional, focus and symbol for May 2020
The Galahad Maneuver: Martial arts Training Involution #206
Warm-up thoroughly for at at least 8 minutes. Do 2-3 minutes each of (a) jumping rope (b) light calisthenics and (c) shadowboxing, forms, or light heavy bag work, or 8 minutes of MBF.
Martial Arts Mix and Match. 4 rounds of action (beginner/intermediate 2:00 each, advanced 3:00) for a total of 8 to 12 minutes. Take as few 12-second breaks as you need. Do one round each of Lunges, Clocks, Low Crawl, Sled Pulls/Yanks. Video below.
Not enough exercise for you? Do this month's constitutional. See photo above left or click here.
Practice the Galahad Maneuver. Pick something you know that's not good for you and make a substitution -- a food or beverage, a form of entertainment, or even a person who's a negative influence. Just 5 minutes of serious thought will reveal a list of stuff you know you shouldn't be eating, watching, doing or associating with. Start with one of the easy ones and substitute a better choice. This is the trail-head that leads to the mountaintop of sacrifice. Keep going and perhaps one day you'll come to see the world the way that Sir Galahad saw it when he said, "If I lose myself I save myself." Remember, Galahad was the only Knight of the Round Table who saw the Grail. You are not your tastes, your needs, your wants, your favorites, or hobbies, or any of that. You are something much more than that. But you have to strip some things away to begin to see it. By the way, this drill is associated with the Chalice symbol and it first appeared in The Hourglass Way: Transform in 12 Weeks with Cabal Fang which contains about 11 more exercises that are equally powerful.