Stickin' and Movin': Martial Arts Training Involution #218

This month's martial focus is sparring.  All month long we're providing solo drills to keep you sparring-fit during the pandemic.  Week one, a striking drill.  Week 2, a grappling drill.  Week 3, a wrestling fitness drill.  Week 4, a weapon drill and a two-part movement drill.

Stickin' and Movin': Martial Arts Training Involution #218

  • Warm-up thoroughly for at at least 8 minutes. Do 2-3 minutes each of (a) jumping rope (b) light calisthenics and (c) shadowboxing, forms, or light heavy bag work, or 8 minutes of MBF.

  • Stickin' drill.  What is your everyday carry weapon of choice?  Pepper spray?  Kubotan keychain? Folding knife? Walking stick?  Banana?  Take a dull version of your weapon of choice and go after your heavy bag for 3 x 3:00/1:00.  Practice with both hands.  Beginners concentrate on form or accuracy only.  Intermediate and advanced persons may focus on speed, power, endurance or mobility as desired.   Sections of wooden dowel or galvanized pipe cut to correct length and wrapped in hockey tape stand in well for many short weapons.  Get as close as you can to the same size and weight as the actual weapon so that your practice will directly translate.

  • Movin' drill.  Could you quietly navigate your home or apartment in the dark if you had to evade an intruder?  Could you avoid all of the creaky doors, squeaking boards and popping stairs?  How about your yard?  Could you make it off your property in the dark in any direction without making noise, stepping in a divot, or tripping over a root?  Start practicing today.  See video below for tips.

  • Practice the Rule of Five. This month's symbol is the Pentangle or 5-pointed star ★ (more about its symbolism here).  After you’ve cooled down for 3 minutes, spend some time organizing your life by the Rule of Five.  Divide a sheet of paper into two columns. Then cut the right column into four equal parts so that your paper is divided into five sections.   Label the left column "Misc." and the four sections on the right side, "Today," "This Week," "This Weekend," and "This Month."  List all goals and to-do items under "Misc."  Then move three things into each of the blocks on the right, crossing them off the left as you go.  When you're done you'll have three things to do today, three this week, three this weekend, three this month, and a slew of things on the left that are on deck.  Work and maintain a list like this and it'll change your life.  For more on this program see The Hourglass Way: Transform in 12 weeks with Cabal Fang.