• Warm-up thoroughly for at at least 8 minutes. Do 2-3 minutes each of (a) jumping rope (b) light calisthenics and (c) shadowboxing, forms, light heavy bag work, or 8 minutes of MBF.

  • Eight minutes on your slip ball. Set a timer for four minutes and get in front of your slip ball. Put in 4 minutes in your preferred stance and another 4 in reverse stance.

  • Hit the dirt and scramble for a loose weapon. If you are under attack and there’s a scramble over a loose weapon, be prepared to come out on top — without falling on a blade and injuring yourself in the process! Put on safety goggles and toss a rubber or wood training weapon up in the air about 6′ away. As soon as it hits the ground, dive forward and gain control of it with your right hand. Your enemy just missed — attack the imaginary killer two or three times. Stand up and repeat until timer beeps. Put in four more rounds, one right and one left with baseball slide and shoulder roll. That’s 6 minutes of practical self-defense action that’ll force you to practice all weapon grips with both hands while training practical movement. If you need training on the specifics on grips, pickup and/or movement techniques you’ll have to show up at Cabal Fang to learn them!

  • Learn to tie a trucker’s hitch with a slip knot and two half hitches. One of the most useful knots of all time, and my personal favorite. In the pics below I’m using the knot to lash a t-shirt to a backpack. But you could use this to hold a box onto a flatbed truck or to cinch down a tarp. See photo set below.

  • Don’t fall from grace — fall into one of the Five Vital Graces.  This month’s spiritual symbol is the Hand of Mysteries, and each one of its fingers equates to one of the Five Vital Graces: Wonder, Sagacity, Frugality, Indomitability and Fraternity.  This week, put one or more Vital Graces into action in the real world.  Need examples?  You could travel to a new place and experience its majesty (Wonder), install a security or smoke alarm (Sagacity), sock away some money in savings (Frugality), do something that you’ve been putting off due to fear or dread (Indomitability), or help out a friend in need (Fraternity/Sorority)