Eighth Anniversary: Mettle Maker #257

Can you believe it?  Sat. 4/24/21 is the 8th anniversary of the weekly mettle maker -- time flies when you're having fun!

Over the years the frequency has changed, the name has changed, and the format has changed.  Which format do you like?  Did you prefer the experimental formats of last week and week before?  Do you like the format below?  Or is one of the old styles more to your liking?  Please post in the comments and let me know.  

The goal of these mettle makers is to inspire you to take charge of your life -- your education, your strength and fitness, your attitude, and your relationship with God.  Whatever you do, don't live your life in service of fashion, entertainment, food, comfort, or anything like that. 

The things that you think make you unique -- your likes and dislikes, your favorite food, favorite movies, etc. -- might actually be the things that prove you're just like everyone else.  What might make you truly unique?

Think about it.

Eighth Anniversary: Mettle Maker #257

  • Loosen up your shackles. Warm-up thoroughly for at at least 8 minutes. Do 2-3 minutes each of (a) jumping rope or footwork (b) light calisthenics and (c) shadowboxing, forms, light heavy bag work, or 8 minutes of MBF.

  • Seize hold of your fitness. If you do MBF every day (or close to it) you can afford to dial back the intensity as compared to training martial fitness once or twice-per-week. If you're not using the MBF program several times a week, you have to a little harder. Try a 15-minute half-pyramid of Rope Climbs, Sit-outs, Bag Lifts, and Leg Triangles. Do 1 of each, then 2 of each, then 3, 4, etc. until the timer beeps.

  • Break free of the ordinary. Go for a P.O.W. run. Interlace your fingers behind your head and run 1 mile as fast as you can. This arm position (a) makes it impossible to fully fill your lungs and (b) wrecks pelvic rotation, eliminates arm lift energy, and removes your arms' ability to counterbalance the legs. 1 mile will feel like 3.

  • Tackle the tough questions. Take the self-defense quiz below and see how you do.

  • Liberate your taste buds with some maple seeds. Maple seeds are an edible, high protein food -- great for a fun snack or as a survival food. Catch some maple keys or "helicopters" before they get too dry. Split the casing at the spine to liberate a smallish green seed (technically a fruit I think). Eat them raw or toast them at 350F for 10 minutes as a snack, salad addition, topping for cereal or granola, etc. When toasted they remind me of a cross between a sunflower seed and a soybean (complete with the bitter finish of the latter). See pics below.

  • Charge up your batteries. Assume posture of choice and regulate breathing to a slow and steady rhythm. Keep your eyes open and fixed. Do not fidget, wiggle or scratch. Allow your thoughts to dissipate like ripples on a pond and your mind to approach a state of calm and relaxed awareness. Do not think at all, but especially not in words -- do not evaluate, judge, make lists, fixate on emotions, let your mind wander, or any of that. Just breathe and be. This is called "contemplation" and practicing it regularly is associated with improved emotional resilience, increased patience reserves, and more. Add prayer and it works even better.