Today we're in Clifton Forge. VA at Douthat State Park for the Heritage Camp-out. But for those who stayed home today, we present…
For the Self-defense and Fitness cadres: complete a 15-min. ascending half pyramid of Bridge, DDU, Shots, Get-ups, Bodybuilders, Mountain Climbers, and Pikes. Watch your form!
Wildwood: If you have to build a lean-to to stay dry in cold weather, which arrangement will keep the smoke out of your shelter? Instinct makes one want to put the wind at your back facing the fire, but this can create a low pressure area in the lean-to and make the smoke hover in the shelter. Pitch your lean-to with the wind cutting across your back at a 45 angle for better results. See pic below.
Spirit: There is an ancient idea that passions have sins nested within them. The other day, when discussing something I was passionate about, my language strayed into coarseness, and my spirit slipped toward irreverence and disrespectfulness. When you feel your passion rising, try to stop and make sure that your passion is for good, and make an effort to tighten the reins — there may be a worm in the apple.
“He who refuses to give into passions does the same as he who refuses to bow down and worship idols.” St. Theophan the Recluse
Put the wind at your back in a 45° angle or you may have a smoky lean-to.