What is the weekly mettle maker? It’s a weekly shot in the arm, a semi-fortnightly kick in the pants — your helpful heckler, hammering away at you to stop hemming and hawing and hurdle headlong into becoming your own hero!


Self-defense: First, watch the video on the right. Then, for extra credit, conduct a footwork self-review. Although it comes to the fore of the tongue when fighting unarmed, footwork techniques are central to the conversation of fighting in general. All footwork techniques should be on display all the time when fighting. Set a timer to beep on 1 minute intervals and get this done, shadowboxing as you do:

  • Lunge (assorted front, side, and rear) - 1 min.

  • Surge (forward, side, back) - 1 min.

  • Skip (forward and back) - 1 min.

  • Cross (front and rear) - 1 min.

  • Décollage - 1 min.

  • All mixed - 3 min..

  • Extra time on maneuvers requiring greater fluency - 2 mins.


    Total: 10 minutes

    Is this material seems foreign, perhaps you’d benefit from the Heritage Self-Defense program. Click here to sign up — it’s free. And then watch the video on the right.

Fitness: Knock out the following constitutional, 25 of each: MCL, PUP, SQT, NCR (25 @ way), GUP, SPR, PKS. If these abbreviations don’t make sense, consider that you should be familiar enough with calisthenics in general that the abbreviations are obvious. Want to learn more? Enroll in the free Heritage Fitness Distance Learning Program . Did I mention it’s free?

Wildwood: If your vehicle broke down in the middle of nowhere, could you hike yourself to safety? Cell phones are not magic wands — they get out of range, they break, and they lose charge. Remember, you might not have a proper backpack, which means you might have to walk a considerable distance while carrying your essentials in a shopping bag. Test out your survival mettle by picking up an awkward object and carrying a considerable distance. Adjust the weight of the object and distance of the walk such that the exercise is difficult but within safe limits based on your personal capabilities. Want to learn more about nature appreciation and survival? Click here to sign up for the 100% free Wildwood distance learning program.

Spirit: Watch the 3-minute video below. Then actually sit down on your back porch or on a bench at the park and meditate on this topic.