Possibilities: Mettle Maker #295

What is the weekly mettle maker? It’s a weekly shot in the arm, a semi-fortnightly kick in the pants — your helpful heckler, hammering away at you to stop hemming and hawing and hurdle headlong into becoming your own hero!

Possibilities: METTLE MAKER #295

Self-defense: Wrap up grappling week by doing 50 Hip Throws — either with a partner (25 each person), or against a heavy bag or grappling dummy. The better your form, the less strength this takes. Watch the video on the right. If this material seems foreign, perhaps you’d benefit from the Heritage Self-Defense program. Click here to sign up — it’s free.

Fitness & Spirit Combo: Watch the documentary Challenging Impossibly (also embedded below) about the incredible Sri Chinmoy. Just make sure you have your gym bag and a box of tissues handy, because you’re going to cry and then go train. Need help designing a fitness program that suits your needs? Enroll in the free Heritage Fitness Distance Learning Program . Did I mention it’s free?

Wildwood: Spring is right around the corner — in fact, some spring plants are already breaking ground and shooting green. Get out your wild plant books go scout for spring edibles! See the video on the left. Want to learn more about nature appreciation and survival? Click here to sign up for the 100% free Wildwood distance learning program.