Reflections in Sweat and Dewdrops: Mettle Maker #296

What is the weekly mettle maker? It’s a weekly shot in the arm, a semi-fortnightly kick in the pants — your helpful heckler, hammering away at you to stop hemming and hawing and hurdle headlong into becoming your own hero!

Reflections in Sweat and Dewdrops: Mettle Maker #296

Self-defense: Wrestling Half-Pyramid. Wrap up wrestling week with a half-pyramid of Shrimp, Buck, Reverse, Circle and Shin Ride. A half-pyramid is 1 of each, 2 of each, 3, 4, 5, etc.. Beginners climb to 6 (21 reps of each), intermediate climb to 8 (36 reps of each) and advanced to 10 (55 reps of each). Take as few 12-count breaks as you must in order to finish. If this material seems foreign, perhaps you’d benefit from the Heritage Self-Defense program. Click here to sign up — it’s free.

Fitness: 4-minute Thruster Challenge. This one comes from the mind of the amazing Dan John. Set a Tabata timer — repeating rounds of :20/:10. Pick up either dumbbells or a barbell. Start the timer and complete 8 rounds of as many Thrusters as you can for 20 seconds and 10 seconds of rest. Beginners use total weight equal to about 20% of bodyweight (if you’re 150, use #15 dumbbells or a #30 barbell). Sound easy? It ain’t. Need help designing a fitness program that suits your needs? Enroll in the free Heritage Fitness Distance Learning Program . Did I mention it’s free?

Wildwood: Are you making assumptions? Do you say things to yourself like, “Oh, that’s easy. If I didn’t have any water, I’d just…”? Maybe your mouth is writing a check that your stressed-out, stranded, less-than-ideal self can’t cash. Maybe your imaginary self is a lot more skilled than your for-real self. No excuses. You need to go to the back side of yonder to practice your survival skills. Go out your back door and train. The wide world is waiting. Go say “hi.” See the video on the left. Want to learn more about nature appreciation and survival? Click here to sign up for the 100% free Wildwood distance learning program.

Spirit: Are you trying to “win” at Christianity? As a person who’s always trying to promote, succeed and produce, I know how hard it is to get wrapped up on achievements and forget that being in Christ is the goal. Watch the video below, and join with me brothers and sisters in the is important reflection. If this sort of thing is appealing to you, CLICK HERE to join our email list and participate in church activities.