Workout of the Week #77

Workout of the Week #77: the "777"

  • Heavybag.  Set timer for 7 rounds of 1:00/:30 and hit it as hard as you can -- maximum effort!
  • 20 lb. sandbag pyramid.  Full Pyramid to 7 (that'll be 49 total reps of each exercise when you're done) of Sandbag Burpees and Sandbag Sit-ups.
  • Journal review.  Get out your training journal.  Turn back a year (if your journal is under a year old, just go back to the beginning) and look at your entries.  Spend 15 minutes reading and reviewing.  How far have you come?  Are you happy with your progress?  Are there things you have no made progress on?  Why?  Are you repeating mistakes?  What do you need to change, improve or expand upon?