Workout of the Week #76


  • Eye-patched.  Prepare to fight with a handicap if necessary.  Tie a bandanna or tenugui around your head such that one eye is covered.  Set a timer for 3 x 3:00/1:00 and get after that bag with maximum damage in mind -- punches and kicks.  Really try to beat the stuffing out of it.  Caution: Depth perception is difficult with one eye covered -- don't get hurt.  Don't have a bag?  Make one.  Nowhere to hang it?  Lash it to a tree.  No excuses!
  • Calisthenics pyramid.  Full pyramid to 7 of Hop Push-ups, Pikes, Finger-tip Push-ups, and Jumping Jacks (that'll be 49 of each exercise total).  If/when you gas on the Push-ups, drop to knees.  Can't do do Hop Push-ups with a hop at the top?  Do them regular. Can't do Finger-tip Push-ups?  Do them on knuckles instead.  No excuses -- only substitutions or step-downs.
  • Searching for excuses.  Set a timer for 10 minutes.  Assume your meditative posture of choice, close your eyes, and regulate your breathing.  Imagine that your life is a video recording.  In your mind's eye, start it playing backwards from right now.  Watch the video playing backwards, noting as you go the things that you've been making excuses about.  When the timer beeps, get out your training journal and write down the things that you're going to do, say, correct, overcome, etc. by throwing your excuses into the negative behavior dustbin.


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