Involved: Training Involution #135

Why are our weekly training assignments called involutions?  What does involution even mean?




  1. The act of fully taking part in an activity or task (q.v. involved)

  2. The inner path of a spiritual aspirant toward self-realization.

  3. The process by which the Divine manifests the cosmos.

This is what separates Cabal Fang from MMA, combat sports, and defensive tactics.  Sure, we borrow from all of those.  But we are involved in the process such that it becomes a spiritual endeavor.

We should always be asking questions like,  "How is this martial activity making me a better person?" or "How can this technique activity be fully contextualized?"  Instead of just learning the HOW of our techniques, we should be exploring the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and WHY of them.

Involved: Training Involution #135

Our martial focus this month is Spirit -- which means putting your spirit in action! -- and our internal focus is prayer. So...

  • Get involved If you are in the Richmond, Virginia area, join Cabal Fang Temple as we feed the homeless tomorrow at Food not Bombs.  We'll be meeting at RVA Createspace, 607 Wickham St, Richmond, Virginia 23222 at 3:30 PM to help haul, serve and clean up.

  • Not in Richmond?  Do something else.  Don't just donate money.  Actually do something. Volunteer somewhere.  Do a chore or cook a meal for a sick or elderly neighbor or relative.  Ask someone you know if they need a hand with something.

  • Don't know what to do?  If you're atheist, ask your better self, otherwise ask your deity or higher power for insight.  This is called prayer.  Be still and ask to know how you can be of service.  Listen carefully -- something will pop into your head that's decent, true and kind.  Do that.

  • Complete this month's constitutional If you don't have a tire, use a #20 sandbag instead.  Or help clean up the planet by finding one of the tens of thousands of tires that are tossed into streams, left in medians and thrown into the woods every year.

  • Subscribe to the new Cabal Fang YouTube channel.