The Cabal Fang external focus of the month is Spirit and the internal focus is the Rose (prayer). How in the world, you may wonder, can an external focus be Spirit? By putting your insides on the outside -- by putting your spirit into action. Here's an excerpt from the Cabal Fang Study Course:
In Mettlecraft month you harden that which is soft; in Spirit Month you temper that which is hard so that it becomes flexible. As the old sage Lao Tzu said, strength and hardness are associated with death, while softness and flexibility are associated with life. Aspire to maturity and strength without being jaded and inflexible, to being childlike and full of life without being naïve and helpless.
Spirit month means that you show your spirit in action. The month the group here in Richmond is collecting food and money to feed the homeless. We'll be delivering what we've collected to the local chapter of Food not Bombs next Sunday 12/16, and then we'll be hanging out to physically prep and cleanup a meal.
What are you going to do this month?
Action Figure: Training Involution #134
30 minutes of action. Warm up thoroughly. Then set a repeating timer for 10 minutes. For the first 10 minutes, complete as many sets as you can of 4 Jackknife Push-ups (HSPUs if you're advanced), 4 Sit-outs, 4 Jump Squats, and 4 Wrestling Shots. For the next 10 minutes, go at your heavy bag, punching and kicking with constant contact. Then, for the final 10 minutes, go for a run. Advanced players, add a weighted vest (I used a #5). Constitutional trial rules apply for the entire half hour: take as few 12-count breaks as possible -- push!
Pray for 10 minutes. Even atheists can pray, because "to pray" simply means "to ask." Assume your posture of choice, regulate your breathing, and spend 10 minutes in prayer. Ask your god or higher power what you could do, personally, this month, to physically put your spirit into action for the benefit of your family or community. If you're an atheist, pray to Truth and try to tap into your subconscious. When you're done, formulate a plan. Actually set a date for whatever you decide upon doing.
In Cabal Fang, the Rose symbolizes prayer. Because, like a rose blossom opening, the act of prayer opens up the mind to new possibilities…