Get Real: Training Involution #106

Get Real: Training Involution #106

  • Wrestling Conditioner #4.  Set timer for 10 mins.  Shin Ride your heavy bag and strike x10, mount and strike x10, roll to bottom position and up-strike x10, then bridge, knee boost, or hip escape from under the bag, and repeat as many times as you can before the timer beeps.  Strike full power -- as if your life depends on it! -- and take as few 12-count breaks as possible in order to finish.
  • Jump rope for 10 mins, as fast as you are able.  Take as few 12-count breaks as possible in order to finish.
  • Have you memorized the Emerald Tablet yet?  Yes?  Good job!  No?  Well get going! The Emerald Tablet is a 1,000+ year-old piece of wisdom literature that describes "reality" as a conversation between consciousnesses -- and so does this 20-minute TED talk by Donald Hoffman, which tackles the idea that consciousness is prime, not matter.