Lapses and Slips: Training Involution #140

Around here the focus is on excellence. But what are supposed to do when you can’t seem to get your act together?

Don’t think you have to be perfect.  Just do your best, maintain incremental improvement, and don’t quit.  If you mess up, don’t beat yourself up so much that you give up — just keep going and do better next time.

Lapses and Slips: Training Involution #140

This month’s focus is Self-Defense vs. Weapons. What if you get cut? Can you move with one limb incapacitated?  If you have to use a weapon to defend yourself, can you move around and fight without dropping it?

  • 10 minutes on a slip ball.  If you’re bored, try the drill outlined in the video below.

  • Armed self-defense gauntlet.  Set a timer for 2:00 rounds and pick up a wooden practice weapon — stick, knife, doesn’t matter.  Complete a round each of of strikes vs. Heavy bag, Get-ups, Sit-ups w/ Strike, Sprints w/ strike, and then do it again (16 mins total).  Drop your weapon penalty = 50 Push-ups.

  • Get it?  “Lapses and slips”?  The training sessions has slips and “lapses “– an obsolete word for intervals and the origin of the word “laps.”

  • Have you done two constitutionals this week?  If not, here you go.

  • Record everything in your training journal.