Ice and Fire: Martial Arts Training Involution #181

Stoicism — indifference to pain and discomfort — is an often-neglected martial skill, probably because (a) it’s so difficult to train safely and (b) there’s a fine line between pain tolerance training and torture. Traditional martial artists used body toughening techniques like shin rolling, makiwara and wooden dummy training to instill pain tolerance. This is why in Cabal Fang we stress the importance of the forging post.

The Powhatan Indians of Virginia began at a very early age to inure themselves to discomfort. In Rountree’s The Powhatan Indians of Virginia, we read that they took daily, early morning baths in the nearest natural body of water, regardless of the season — men, women and children alike. They told the English that they did it for two reasons – both to keep them clean and to harden them to the cold.


  • Ice. Half fill a large pitcher with water and ice. Set timer for 3 mins and plunge your open hand into it to test pain tolerance. Do not squirm, make faces, or utter a sound. If you can’t go the full 3 mins, practice daily until you can. Note: As shown in Mythbusters episode #142, holding a hand in ice water for ≤ 3 minutes is safe for people with no precluding health issues.

  • Fire. Complete the following constitutional of martial calisthenics: 50 Lunges (Drop Duck-under-style), 50 Reverses (Back Bridge to roll over), 25 Sit-out Push-ups, 25 Bear Walks (5 yards each), 50 Shots, 50 Sprawls, and 50 Sit-ups (from Bottom Scissors while thigh-squeezing a floor bag). Beginners, do half.

  • Extra credit. 3 minute cold bath or shower. Set timer and get in. Do not squirm, make faces, or utter a sound. Tip: Occupy your mind. Meditate, contemplate, pray, or recite in your head the Emerald Tablet (or some other piece of wisdom literature such as the Lord’s Prayer).