Bodybuilders: Martial Arts Training Involution #182

It is Mettlecraft Month at Cabal Fang.  What does that mean?  Well, during Mettlecraft Month we make it a point to ask just a little more of ourselves than normal -- we test, and build, our mettle.  For more on the topic of Mettlecraft read this.

This month we're all going to go after the cord and rule program goal of 100 Bodybuilders in under 20 minutes.  Those of us who have already succeeded are going to aim for new PRs.  We'll make a pass at it on Tuesday night 11/26 (our last meeting of the month).

Work your way up 100 Bodybuilders using what I call MBF -- "martial base fitness" (more details will be in my forthcoming book "Martial Grit").  Build a base level with the Bodybuilders (or any other exercise) by doing let's say 10 or 20% of the goal per day -- however many you can do without being sore.  After a week or two at this level, without soreness, take a run at 50% of the goal to see how you're doing.  If your run at 50% works out well, without much soreness, up your daily count to 25% of the goal.  If you do poorly, add a second session at 10% of the goal -- that would be 20% early in your day and another 10% later on.  You still shouldn't be sore.  The goal isn't to crush yourself -- it's to establish a base.

Here's a fun way to incorporate your 20% base into a nice martial training session.

Bodybuilders: Martial Arts Training Involution #182

  • Bodybuilder HIIT. After a full 8:00 warm-up, set a timer for 10 x 1:00 rounds (10 minutes total). Square off against your heavy bag and get after it will malice for the full minute. When the timer beeps, knock out as many Bodybuilders as you can for the minute (most folks get between 5 and 7). When you gas out, take a 12-count break before you start your Bodybuilders. This should put your total Bodybuilder count somewhere around 20% - 30 % of this month's 100-count goal.

  • Reflection. Set a timer for 10:00 and assume your meditative posture of choice. Regulate your breathing. Spend ten minutes reviewing your training -- not verbally but emotionally and visually. Look at your training in your mind's eye. Don't think in words but in images. Have you been forging your mettle? Are you ready for the 100 Bodybuilder challenge?