Phototropism: Martial Arts T.I. #222

Phototropism: Martial Arts T.I. #222

  • Warm-up thoroughly for at at least 8 minutes. Do 2-3 minutes each of (a) jumping rope (b) light calisthenics and (c) shadowboxing, forms, or light heavy bag work, or 8 minutes of MBF.

  • Escape Plan. This one combines the fitness and fighting elements into a single delicious layered casserole of goodness.  See video below.  Set timer for fifteen intervals of 1 minute.  Run a minute, shadowbox for a minute, and do martial-relevant calisthenics for a minute.  Repeat four more times and your done.  Adjust running speed down to jogging or walking, and add rest breaks as needed, to suit your fitness level.  When you're done, cool down by taking a walk and look at some trees.

  • Learn to find north using phototropism Plants naturally grow toward the light -- even trees (see picture above).  Branches on the north side of a trees tend to be more vertical, those on the south more horizontal.  Go for a walk on a tree-lined street that runs east-west and look at the trees.  Ain't that something?  Could save your life someday!

  • Sacred reading part 3.  This month's symbol is the Book.  The essence of sacred reading is to analyze what you read in four different ways: literally, morally, allegorically and anagogically.  Last week you did some reading and some analyzing.  This week, memorize a meaningful snippet of sacred literature and recite it to yourself often during the week.  Memorizing sacred words gives you a special type of understanding -- not so that you can impress your friends or hit people over the head with fancy words, but so that your command of the ideas can shape and hone they way you think.

  • Journal As always, log everything you did and thought about in your training journal, even if it's only a few lines.  If it ain't in the training journal it didn't happen!