Hitches and Stitches: Martial Arts T.I. #225

FYI, the September focus for Cabal Fang is Grappling (a.k.a. "the clinch" or stand-up wrestling) and the symbol is the Quill -- so the T.I.s will revolve around those two pole stars for the course of the month.

And now on with the show...

Hitches and Stitches: Martial Arts T.I. #225

  • Warm-up thoroughly for at at least 8 minutes. Do 2-3 minutes each of (a) jumping rope (b) light calisthenics and (c) shadowboxing, forms, or light heavy bag work, or 8 minutes of MBF.

  • Grappling Conditioner #4.  Complete the following as fast as you can: 50 Get-ups, 50 Bodybuilders, and 250 strikes vs. heavy bag.  Take as few 12-count breaks as you need in order to finish, and see if you can beat my PR of 18:45.

  • Learn to tie a sliding sheet bend hitch.  Very useful for tying a quick-release, cinching, collapse-resistant loop in the end of a line.  What if you needed to put a loop around a friend's waist or ankle in a rescue situation?  Perfect!

  • Journaling exercise.  It's no good thinking up goals and making resolutions if you don't do "the work."  What's "the work?"  Things like setting benchmarks, creating to-do items, planning, tracking progress, establishing, evaluating and re-evaluating metrics -- but most especially being in touch with what you are doing and why.  Try to make an entry every day, even if it's only one sentence.  If you forget or get sidetracked, don't sweat it, just start again.   Include your training activities -- if it ain't in the training journal it didn't happen!