The Hunter: Training Involution #224

The Hunter: Martial Arts T.I. #224

  • Warm-up thoroughly for at at least 8 minutes. Do 2-3 minutes each of (a) jumping rope (b) light calisthenics and (c) shadowboxing, forms, or light heavy bag work, or 8 minutes of MBF.

  • Grappling Conditioner #3.  Set a countdown timer for 10:00 mins and complete as many sets as you can before the timer beeps of 5 Bag Lifts (regular or Kansas-styled), 10 mounted strikes, and 5 Splay ‘n’ Punch.  Take as few 12-count breaks as you need in order to finish.  Then...

  • Complete this month's constitutional.  Burpees w/ hop (25), Smearing Push-ups (25), Drop Duck-unders (25), Back-ups (50), Ab Punches (1 min -- if training solo use a medicine ball), Get-ups (25), Prisoner Get-ups (25).  If you finish in under 15 minutes, go back and do an extra 5 of each.

  • Learn to tell direction by Orion.  Last month Orion returned to the night sky after his summer absence and is now visible for about an hour before dawn.  It's one of the most visible and easily recognizable constellations in the sky and is perfect for this purpose.  If you can spot Orion, look at the belt of three bright stars.  If they are pointed parallel to the horizon, you're looking east.  If they're almost flat to the horizon, you're looking west.  If they're at about 45° you're looking south.  See picture below (I learned this from Gooley's  great book The Nature Instinct).     

  • Go soulsearching -- in your journal.  Last month we practiced sacred reading, this month journaling.  Think of journaling as sacred writing.  No, you're not writing the Bhagavad Gita or the Bible!  But you are writing down the things that are going on in your life, which then allows you to go back and self-analyze using the four ways of reading sacred books (literally, morally, allegorically and anagogically).  You have a story, and every story has at least four layers of meaning awaiting discovery.  This is what is meant by "finding oneself."  Include your training activities -- if it ain't in the training journal it didn't happen!