Nitty-Gritty: Mettle Maker #277

Note: The weekly mettle maker supports all of the Heritage Arts programs — Heritage Self-Defense, Heritage Wildwood, Heritage Fitness and Heritage Spirit.

Nitty-Gritty: Mettle Maker #277

  • Self-Defense: Nitty-gritty beats fancy-flashy every time. As you go into weapon week, ask yourself, “If I’m ever in a self-defense situation and there’s a loose weapon in the environment, could I get to it first, pick it up with skill and precision, and put it to use instantly?” Watch the video below and work your capture and retention drills. Want more martial arts? Join our free distance learning program or come train with us on Tues and Thurs nights from 6 - 7 PM at West End Manor Civic Association, 8600 Lakefront Drive, Richmond VA 23294.

  • Fitness: Fit to do what? Fitness means different things to different folks. Depending on who you ask, it might mean looking good naked, being ready to compete in a specific sport, having a BMI in the ideal range, or who-knows-what. If you ask me, it means fit to fight and explore the outdoors, but I’m a martial arts and survival instructor — what do you expect? So ask yourself — what are you training for? What’s the point? And when you find out and/or decide, tailor your fitness program as needed. If you need assistance with doing this kind of analysis and implementation, sign up for the Heritage Fitness program. It’s totally free! We’re a non-profit, remember?

  • Wildwood: Go outside. How many hours a day do you spend outside? Are you outdoors every day, 12 months per year? Silly questions? Nope. Outdoor skills accrue the same way other skills do — slowly, incrementally, across time. Get outside every day. Keep a journal, and make a daily note about what you observed in your environment. Identify one plant, one bug, one kind of cloud, etc. and sketch it. Check the moon phase by observation, and write that down too. Want more? Sign up for the free Wildwood program.

  • Spirit: How long is your rope? Is it long enough to reach the bottom of the well, or does it fall short? Is it long enough to draw up water to share with those who are thirsty? What water will you pour out into the world this week? What fiery pain will your water quench, what stain will it wash away, what wound will it cleanse? Meditate on this. Lengthen your rope and draw up much water to pour out into the world. For more inspiration, join us at Heritage Spirit for weekly online church.