The Web of Sleep: Mettle Maker #284

Note: The weekly mettle maker supports all of the Heritage Arts programs — Heritage Self-Defense, Heritage Wildwood, Heritage Fitness and Heritage Spirit.

The Web of Sleep: Mettle Maker #284

Click here to watch some folks facing the test!

  • Self-Defense and Fitness: Wake up and assess yourself. November is our 4th annual Mettlecraft Month. This year’s challenge: take the Self-Defense and Rescue Fitness Test, and share your results. Here are the 10 exam questions (passing and A+ scores in parentheses separated by “/”): 1 - Breath Hold (5 sec. prep only, 1 min. / 2 minutes), 2 - Jump over waist height (1 time / 10 times in 2 mins), 3 - Pull-ups, Chin-ups, or Knee Tucks (1 Knee Tuck/ 20 Pull-ups in 2 mins), 4 - 200 yard Sprint (all out, no breaks / 30 secs), 5 - Sit-ups (50 / 75 in 2 mins), 6 - Hand Release Push-ups (10 / 60 in 2 mins), 7 - Deadlifts, 3 reps ( 140 lbs / 340 lbs in 2 mins), 8 - Buddy Carry (any method 25 yards / 100 yards in 2 mins), 9 - Sandbag run (25 lbs 1/2 mile no breaks / 45 lbs 1 mile in 12 mins), 10 - Pain test (arm in ice-water to elbow, 90 secs/ 3 mins, no verbalizations). Sound fun? Join the club, or sign up for the Heritage Self-Defense distance learning program or for the Heritage Fitness program.

Click the pic to watch a video about friction fire…

  • Wildwood: Wake up and face your true skill level — bust a fire. Last week I encouraged you to keep in mind that the map is not the terrain — what is real is far different than what is imagined or visualized. Maps and visualizations are important and valuable, but only insofar as they are related to action. Could you make a fire by friction? Sure, you know the way it works and you’ve seen it done. But have you actually done it? Do you know what kinds of wood work best together, how tight the cord should be wound around the drill, and so forth? Get there! Don’t know where to start? Or maybe you just want more tips and tricks, or you’re looking for an outdoor skills training plan? Sign up here, it’s free.

  • Spirit: Are you awake or asleep? Watch the video below. And if this sort of thing appeals to you, join us for Holy Communion on Sunday and if you need a pastoral counseling session, click here.