On the Road: Mettle Maker, Holy Communion, etc.

Hey everyone, Archdeacon Mitch here! From Friday 5/6 through Sunday 5/15 I’ll be on the road. So there will be no Holy Communion video tomorrow or next Sunday. And this week’s mettle maker, as well as next week’s, will be “blast from the past” re-posts.

Follow my trip on YouTube and Twitter. I’ll be posting regularly all week long!

Where am I going? My first stop is a visit to my friend and coach the immortal Mark Hatmaker in Knoxville, TN. From there I head out to Springfield, MO to see my spiritual mentor Bishop Erik Weaver and worship with him. I’ll be assisting him in the presentation of Mass for our church, during which he’ll be consecrating an altar stone for St. Barachiel chapel.

From there I go to St. Louis to visit my friend James, the first person to graduate from the Heritage Self-Defense Distance Learning Program. And my final stop will Chicago to see my friend Arman, the second person to graduate from the HSD Distance Learning program.

Stay tuned and see you all soon!

Yours in Christ,

Archdeacon Mitch

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The Galahad Maneuver: Mettle Maker #206

(Originally posted May 2, 2020)

  • Martial Arts: Warm-up thoroughly for at at least 8 minutes. Do 2-3 minutes each of (a) jumping rope (b) light calisthenics and (c) shadowboxing, forms, or light heavy bag work, or 8 minutes of MBF. Then do a “Martial Arts Mix and Match.” Put in 4 rounds of action (beginner/intermediate 2:00 each, advanced 3:00) for a total of 8 to 12 minutes. Take as few 12-second breaks as you need. Do one round each of Lunges, Clocks, Low Crawl, Sled Pulls/Yanks. See video, left. Did you know we offer a free martial arts distance learning program? Click here to sign up.

  • Fitness: Do this month’s constitutional. See photo on the right. Need help developing and sticking with a fitness program? Interested in learning outdoor skills? We’ve got both! Check our our free distance learning programs.

  • Wildwood: Wind direction study. When you choose or make shelter, or just set up your camp, need to do so with cognizance of wind direction. You don’t want the wind blowing smoke and/or freezing air into your winter shelter, for example. Go for a walk and practice studying the terrain. Look at trees, from trunk to top. Examine the soil around them. Look at exposed ground, sand, and so forth. If you’re in town, or in the suburbs, look to see where debris and trash are accumulating. With just a little regular practice, you get really good at determining the prevailing wind direction. Interested in learning outdoor skills? We’ve got both! Check our our free distance learning programs.

  • Practice the Galahad Maneuver. Pick something you know isn’t good for you and make a substitution — a food or beverage, a form of entertainment, or even a person who’s a negative influence. Just 5 minutes of serious thought will reveal a list of stuff you know you shouldn’t be eating, watching, doing or associating with. Start with one of the easy ones and substitute a better choice. This is the trail-head that leads to the mountaintop of sacrifice. Keep going and perhaps one day you’ll come to see the world the way that Sir Galahad saw it when he said, “If I lose myself I save myself.” He gave away his wants and needs until there was only one thing left to relinquish — his ego. Remember, Galahad was the only Knight of the Round Table who saw the Grail. You are not your tastes, your needs, your wants, your favorites, or hobbies, or any of that. You are something much more than that. But you have to strip some things away to begin to see it. CLICK HERE to join our email list and to begin participating in church activities. And if you need someone to talk to, CLICK HERE to set up a phone call with archdeacon Mitch.