Fisticuffs: Mettle Maker #307

What is the weekly mettle maker? It’s a weekly shot in the arm, a semi-fortnightly kick in the pants — your helpful heckler, hammering away at you to stop hemming and hawing and hurdle headlong into becoming your own hero!

Fisticuffs: Mettle Maker #307

Self-defense: Work on your “fisticuffs.” It’s hard to defend yourself against someone who has longer reach, superior speed, and greater mobility. Make cuffing your friend, so that if you can’t hit them, you can at least hit their arms and wrists. It works. Get there. Want more? Check our our free self-defense distance learning program.

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Fitness. Are you looking to get fit, or looking to get lean? Fitness is about capabilities. Getting lean is about looking good with your shirt off. So, which is it you’re looking for? Some of the greatest fighters (Chuck Liddell, Royce Gracie, Ali) and athletes of all time (Charles Barkley, Babe Ruth) weren’t underwear models. Make up your mind and come up with a plan. Need help developing and sticking with a fitness program? Interested in learning outdoor skills? We’ve got both! Check our our free distance learning programs.

Mind-Body-Spirit Combo! Watch the video on the left, in which I explain some important concepts that are at the intersection of fitness, self-defense, and spirituality. CLICK HERE to join our email list and to begin participating in church activities. And if you need someone to talk to, CLICK HERE to set up a phone call with archdeacon Mitch.