Heritage Arts at WEMCA Spring Celebration

On Saturday 5/21/22, Heritage Arts promoted its programs by attending WEMCA's first annual Spring Celebration from 11 AM to 3 PM. Heritage Arts has been affiliated with WEMCA (West End Manor Civic Association) since it began meeting on the WEMCA property in 2009.

Representing Heritage Arts were CEO and head instructor Robert “Mitch” Mitchell and student Cameron Boddie. Mitch and Cameron demonstrated martial arts techniques, answered questions, handed out flyers, and encouraged the community to take advantage of its programs.

“If you haven’t come out, you can’t use expense as an excuse because Heritage Arts is a federally-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit, and our programs are 100% free,” Mitch said. “What are they Cameron?”

“100% free,” Cameron replied.

WEMCA, after over 20 years of dormancy, surged back to life in 2019 after residents engaged with Dan Schmitt, Brookland District Supervisor for Henrico County. Supervisor Schmitt partnered with the residents of West End Manor and enlisted revitalization funding and assistance from the county. Three years later, WEMCA is back on its feet.

WEMCA volunteers, with assistance from the county, have restored the building inside and out and have cleaned up and beautified the grounds. Thanks to everyone involved, the community can once again be proud of its public space.

Heritage Arts was an early and outspoken advocate for WEMCA, one of many West End Manor stakeholders who appeared at Henrico County meetings to petition for help cleaning up the grounds and getting the association back on track. “Heritage Arts is proud to have been a part of the revitalization efforts,” Mitch said. “We’ve been here from the beginning, working to preserve WEMCA for the benefit of the community. And we don’t plan on stopping any time soon.”