What’s the weekly mettle maker? Training tips and educational information in support of our free programs, that’s what! What’s mettle? According the American Heritage Dictionary, mettle is, “The ability to meet a challenge or persevere under demanding circumstances; determination or resolve.”
Mettle Maker #349
DID YOU KNOW…? That you you can get a daily motivational text message from Heritage Arts? Click the awesome (and perhaps a bit cheesy?) scrolling link below to sign up!
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Click here to sign up for DAILY MOTIVATIONAL text messages! ...
““If you wish to have a healthy body that will quickly obey the orders of the brain, exercise your body in the open air; keep the mind in action with pleasant, hopeful plans of the future.””
Martin “Farmer” Burns
Self-Defense: Coming soon the fighting and fitness secrets of Farmer Burns. Yours truly has been taking a deep dive into the life and work of Martin “Farmer” Burns. Farmer Burns is known as the "Father of American Wrestling.” A carnival wrestler who took on all comers and before eventually being a wrestling champion in three different weight classes, Burns was a small and wire 165-pound powerhouse. He neither swore, drank, nor smoked, and his conditioning was second to none. There is indeed a a great deal to be learned from this master of the martial arts, and I’ll be sharing more with you soon! If like this sort of thing, you might consider joining the Heritage Self-Defense club in Richmond, VA. Or, if distance learning is your thing, click here to enroll in the Heritage Arts Self-Defense distance learning program!
Fitness: Take a hike. I know, we’ve been talking about pedestrianism quite a bit lately. But the fitness benefits are real! Go for a long walk and you can see really cool stuff. My son and I took a 10 mile walk the other day and we got to see one of the highest, longest pedestrian bridges in the world! Watch the short video on the right for more info.
Want more old-school fitness material? Click here to sign up for our 100% free program!
Wildwood: Get your tickets for the first annual Heritage Arts Campout June 23rd - June 25th! The value you get for this ticket price is out of this world. Click here for event details, and if you’re looking for a remote lessons, click here and sign up for the 100% free Heritage Wildwood distance learning program!
Holy Communion is now LIVE on YouTube every Sunday at 9AM. Due to YouTube LIVE processing times, the weekly Holy Communion video is often partial until late afternoon or evening. If you attempt to view the video, and running time is less than 40 to 45 minutes, please check back later.